Sunday, April 13, 2014

à toi-même être vrai

I did something a little crazy..
I always thought at some point in my life I would get a tattoo
and one girls weekend with my mom and aunt's I did just that.
I knew where I wanted it and what I wanted it to say.

When I was 18 I took a trip to Europe with my closest friend and visited
where Shakespeare wrote his first play, It was a huge deal I got to
go on this trip because two months prior I was diagnosed with a severe anxiety
disorder and didn't think I was going to make the trip. I did and it was amazing!

In Hamlet, Act 1, scene 3 Polonius says to his son- This above all: to thine own self be true.
There's really no special meaning just a special experience.

1 comment:

  1. I really love this Marissa. It is true, that is an incredibly beautiful statement. I am sorry that you suffer with anxiety, I do as well and it is difficult, but it just speaks to what a truly strong, capable and a beautiful soul you are that you were able to do something that you didn't have much confidence that you'd be able to do and you still did it. It is encounters like this when we have to face our own demons within ourselves and push past them, that is where growth happens and great things can come of it and of ourselves. I just think you are wonderful Marissa, and hope that you too can continue to do and aspire all that you want to be.


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